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Loosing Coolant!


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Hi everyone,

Just another querie I'm afraid in the long list of headaches I've experienced with my 02 A6.

Jumped-in yesterday to the sound of the Coolant Level alarm.

Level was down to the pipe top at the bottom of the plastic tank.

No visible leaks etc. Gauge reads ok.

Topped up and it's fine for now.

Any ideas??

Recently had a new camshaft, but the head wasn't taken off for this job (asked the bloke last night!).

Please tell me it's not going to materialise into a head gasket failure!!

If anyone can be bothered, check out my previous posts to see how much bad luck I've encountered with this car.

All advice and help appreciated.

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Thanks for your confidence.

Talking of %age, because I filled up quickly to get to work, I've now just stopped off on the way home to get the CORRECT anti-freeze. But what IS the corect %age?, bearing in mind that I topped it up to the max (ish). In other words, maybe not much room left!!


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