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How to lose a girlfriend in 5 seconds


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Why would you do that? girls and bikes don’t mix. From my experience they like the idea but in practice it is a very very different storey!

I lost a girlfriend once the first time I took her on my old busa....when I say lost, she dumped me after a trip on the back, as she thought I was reckless and a danger (any excuse!!) FYI I was riding very sedately I think I filtered between a few cars and she was punching me in the kidneys to let he off!

I wasn’t to bothered as I had a two week old, just run in 03 ‘busa...party time…aahhh the summer of 2003!!!

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That video is years old. The rider is a ****** for letting her on the back of the bike with no protection esp when riding like that - he had no consideration for her safety, although one might also say she was slightly foolish to get on without kit.

Tiny12, haha I know what you mean - some women can be a bit twitchy on the back of the bike, which I can kind of understand. It's not exactly luxury/safe transport!

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I took my sister for a ride once and decided to show her what a "ton" was like up the Whaley Bridge By-Pass near Buxton..

Her jacket zip split open and the wind caught her and she lost grip...

At first I thought it was her grabbing me under the armpits for safety.... It was only after I was aware of some slightly wierd shimmeys and wobbles that I realised she was hanging over the rear tail light by her feet looking backwards... (to her death apparently) , screaming for her life off the back of the bike heading for 140mph.

She'd not been on a bike before.... and she's not that keen now for some reason...

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