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Ferrari`s sound investment proven ?


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Six months ago i was toying with the idea of buying a 328GTS, there were several for sale all around 25-32k, checked yesterday one of them i was paticularly eyeballing for several weeks back then was £27,500 in imaculate condition with 32k on the clock, its now re-advertised for £39,000 different owner ! also couldnt help but notice that all the rest had followed suit most with an extra 10k on the price.

Should have made the move back then, where else would you have recieved a rate of 35% in six months on an investment ?

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  • 9 months later...

Prime example 328's have been appreciating for years though. I know because I keep looking at prime 355's and they have been going the same way. I agree it is a big rise to see in such a short time but the cars are only going to get more desirable.

Late 328 GTS's fetch silly money, but it's not so silly if you run it with very low miles added on for 2 years and get a lot more money than you paid for it.

That said there is a big difference between non dealer maintained cars and 'independent Ferrari specialist' serviced cars.

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