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[Audi A3/S3] Need help to jump start car. where to put red cable?


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I tried to jump start another car with my car, but I really couldnt figure out where to attach the red cable on my battery. The positive (plus) part of the battery is kinda lowered down. Please see picture. Anyone have any experience with this? Could it hurt to try around?! It's not easy attaching the cable to the plus-part of battery.

See pictures. Thanks for any help!

My car: Audi a3 1997




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I think the issue is more to do with physically getting the cable on to the terminal rather than actually which one it is, as the daft terminal box with all the wires sits on top of the positive terminal leaving little room for the crocodile clips jaws.

I've always just used that metal strip that goes from the terminal, into the box with all the red wires connected to it whenever i've had to jump a VAG car with that connector box.

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I've always just used that metal strip that goes from the terminal, into the box with all the red wires connected to it whenever i've had to jump a VAG car with that connector box.

Thank you. The problem i physical, yes.

So your suggestion is to connect the black negative jaw to the black minus pole (right side) -- and then to connect the red jaw to the vertical metal strip seen in the picture, right? I just want to be sure..

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