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Door Mirrors


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Isn't it amazing?

Some dosey mf takes out the plastic casing on the drivers door mirror and it takes 5 visits to the stealers to get it fixed!

First visit was after a telephone call to order the part. They needed to look at the car to check the colour? Sorry but I thought reflex silver was the only silver that R32s came in. Oh it is................

Next visit one week later. the part is in and has been painted and they also ordered a black trim piece. the mirror housing doesn't fit!!!??? It is approx 25mm too wide and 10mm too tall. Whats going on?????

Apparently the R32 has smaller mirrors than the std Mk4 Golf.

New mirror housing duly obtained and the next visit made, only to discover the new black trim piece is for a std mirror not an R32 mirror! Also the way the mirror housing has been taped to a pallet knife for spraying has caused some visible unpainted areas, oh and the paint finish is appalling.

Visit number four now and everything must be ok this time. Correct trim, correct housing, correct painting, good paint finish, but it doesn't fit properly!!!!!! ARGHHH FIREdevil.gif

It seems that the bottom black trim moulding is also damaged and needs replacing. Why wasn't this picked up before???????? confused.gif

Finally today the mirror has been fitted and all is almost well. The little black gromits to cover the screw holes are missing, but they have promised to post them to me!

Fortunately I only live 5 minutes from the stealer and work from home so all these trips have not been too inconvenient, but I thought you should all know about this potential catalogue of disasters, just in case you suffer the same problem.

PS - also finally had 6463 upgrade this morning. Cant believe the difference, especially as I didn't think it was that bad before!

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I'm really suprised that the mirrors are smaller!

I'll have to get the tape measure out and measure mine against my friend's Anniversary GTI. I'm sure his look the same size as mine, although I can't say I've looked that closely really. It's not that I don't believe you, just seems really odd confused.gif

Hope you get it all sorted soon then!

Anyway, it's good to see that you are enjoying the 6463 update. 169144-ok.gif

Makes you wonder why they don't just recall all R32's and get it over and done with smashfreakB.gif


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I'm not sure if it was here or not but I believe the mirrors on the R are almost or are the same size as the Polo GTI, which are the EU spec mirrors rather than UK, were the left mirror is smaller than the right side, or is it right is smaller than the left ??? can't remember which way round it is tongue.gif

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Doh - sounds like a crap paintshop/parts dept!!

R32 and Anni mirrors are indeed smaller than other mk4 golfs.

To save hassle when ordering parts in future, always give the parts guy your chassis number.

They then input that into the Ekta Parts computer, and it will bring up all the CORRECT parts that where listed/used to build your SPECIFIC car!! It will save you loadsa time/hassle smile.gif

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