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IceLink Plus and Audi Allroad issue...

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Earlier in the year (and with the great help of a forum user here) I installed an IceLink Plus into a 2004 Audi Allroad with a RNS-E Nav+ unit. I did this using a third party adaptor.

I was initially running 2.03 and whilst the operation was bit 'random' overall I was very pleased with the iceLink.

I recently checked the Dension website and saw firmware updates for 2.04 and 2.05. I downloaded both and installed one after the other (I didn't know if I could straight to 2.05).

All went OK with the update and the iPod display nows says 2.05

But I'm unable to access the IceLink menu via CD6 - and the iPod only wants to play the album by the first artist listed alphabetically. Using the CD change to select any CD from 1-6 just re-starts this album. That's all I seem able to play.

I'm going to try re-installing 2.03 to see what happens.

But does anyone have any experience?

Many thanks


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I have neither a 2004 Audi or a RNS-E Nav + unit instead having clio and their nasty headunit! However, the problems that you describe having with version 2.05 of the dension sound very similar to the problems that I had with 2.03, when I first installed it.

By upgrading to 2.05 it got rid of all the funny problems and is now working fine. On upgrading to 2.05, I went straight there and not via 2.04. So maybe that is something to try. Also when I installed the upgraded firmware there was a huge playlist of files, about 100 in all, that were played through once, seeming to wipe the old firmware and stick the 2.05 one on. Since then I have deleted the playlist as it only seems to be needed the first time and it now works brilliantly.

Could be worth trying to re-install all of the firmware.

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Thanks for that.

I had a brief response to Dension requiring further info but have heard nothing since.

But, I did re-install 2.03 and that's working fine (as well as it did before).

I might wait for 2.06 etc. to see if that's any better.

At least I know I can get back to the state I was in, so I may give an install of 2.05 another go.



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