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Regs advice required


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Make sure they're Nitrox capable.

I quite like the Mares titanium stuff - lighter the better given that diving gear is pretty heavy.

Funnily enough some of my fave regs are scubapro R190s...Pretty cheap but damm comfortable.

How does that work? Mac likes the cheaper ones? How odd.

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Just took a look at the Mares Titanium stuff and they have got the following warning.



Titanium is not suitable for use in oxygen-rich environments, and, therefore, the Ti-Planet regulator should not be used with Nitrox breathing mixes.

[/ QUOTE ]

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I've got some Poseidons I'm looking to sell at the moment, 2x Jetstreams and 2x Cyklons, if that takes your fancy. I've just changed to Apeks/Scubapro as I can't afford to run Poseidon regs (expensive to service) now I'm getting more technical, and I'm trying to standardize my kit with what my regular buudy's got.

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I use an Apex ATX 50 with an ATX 40 Octopus. Most people seem to rate them and www.diverswarehouse.co.uk do a 'star buy' on them with a triple console for £356

If you are concerned about comfort consider an orthodontic mouth piece, it will cost you are few quid but it will be worth it. Having said that the mouth piece on the ATX50 is very good anyway.

Mac, have you got your EANx certification now then ?

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It's interesting to know what effects oxygen can have on the body as well as Nitrogen. When I started diving I saw guys drop below 70m on air just to see how deep they could go, obviously without appreciating the risk of oxygen toxicity.

I don't dive on EANx just for the sake of it, although I know people that do, not only for the added safety factor but also because they say they feel much better after a dive using it compared to air.

I generally use it when I'm on something like a wreck where you need to spend a prolonged time at something like 40ish meters and your NDL on air would be just too short.

Having said that when I was in the Maldives in January any diver with a Nitrox cert got free Nitrox so it seemed silly not to take up the offer beerchug.gif

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