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If you have an S4....


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My car was at the dealers for the last two days.

[1] TSB Link Idle pulley TSB - This TSB resolves the horrid noise you get for the first minute or so when it's cold.

[2] TSB Link Afterun coolant pump - This runs a coolant pump after the ignition is turned off. It only does it when the car is very hot but I though it was worth getting done.

[3] The Throttle s/w update. This makes the thottle more useable i.e. it gets rid of a lot of the jerkiness when you're trying to progress in stop/start traffic. I had AMD remove the chip last week as this can't be done with the car chipped (apparently).My wife just picked me up from the train station and she said it's smoother. I drove for about 6 miles with a mix of dual carriageway and some queueing traffic. Based on this short test drive I'd say that it is definately worth having it done. It's as if the 0-100% of throttle is now over the whole range of pedal travel. This means when I wanted to slightly increase or decrease speed I could do so without any lurching. It seems the throttle is no longer over sensitive. I've yet to plug in VAG-COM to check the throttle body settings but so far I am really happy with having it done.

The next stage is return the car to AMD to get rechipped. I intend to have a dyno before and after as I thought it would be interesting to compare a full Milltek system (dps, cats, rear box) with this plus the AMD chip.

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I take it the throttle update software is only relevant to the S4 Scotty?

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I think so. I believe it's due to the large torque and the sharpness of the take up on the clutch. Before the s/w upgrade, I've told people that I'd never have an S4 as a town car. Now the only bad thing would be the fuel consumption. There was nothing on the CD to indicate if it was only the S4 though :-/

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Before the s/w upgrade, I've told people that I'd never have an S4 as a town car.

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That is unless you have a tiptronic. Mine is soooo smooth, its a pleasure in town and in heavy traffic (unless you have it in "sport" mode, and then the car is saying getoutofmywaygetoutofmywaygetoutofmywaygetoutofmyway!)


Now the only bad thing would be the fuel consumption.

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Oh lordy yes. Which kind of means you need to stay in the town! ... So you're close to a petrol station! grin.gif

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Hmmm, not sure really. 20?

If i'm doing lots of urban driving, then can be around 14.

Dont know how to tell over a long time period. I've never got to grips as to what the computer means when it gives me two average mpg's. What does the mpg1 and mpg2 mean then? Is it your current and previous trips?

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Don't forget the cab is heavier than the saloon so the respective speeds are a bit slower.

S4 Saloon 5.6

S4 Avant 5.8

S4 Cab 5.9

I'm trying to decide on whether to go for the full stage 3 or just have the exhaust and cats. I wonder if the new RS4 exhaust would fit - I like the oval tail pipes.

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I raised this as an issue a while ago on TSN and you sent the link through to me for the 1st item.

Well when I took my car to the dealers damn thing acted just perfect so I asked them to check out what you had sent and they said there were no recalls outstanding on my car. However I still get the rattle for a few seconds but it's every now and then when the engine is cold. Would be interested to know if anybody else has had any of these mysterious rattles. Otherwise I'll just wait till 1st service and let the dealers keep it in overnight and see if they can pick it up then.

Did you wait for a service to have the throttle s/w upgrade ? Is this there a charge for this upgrade ?

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Loads of questions to answer!!!

Mileage? - about 18mpg which I'm fine with. Town driving I've had it down to 6mpg hence my comment.

0-60? I don't know. TBH It's not really where i find the real benefit. That is in the 50+ overtaking range.

Insurance? - Sorry I don't know. I bought the car off a friend when it was already modded. (He swapped it for an identical stage 3 car but a ragtop). My insurance is £850pa which is 20% cheaper than my old TT!

Chunky - You don't have to prove anything to them to get it done. The TSB states when it occurs. It's hardly your problem if the weather is different.

My car was in for a service last week and they were meant to do the idle pulley but they didn't get the parts so I had to rebook it. In the meantime I found out the part number for the s/w so I supplied them with it and they did it. There was no charge.

I think they thought I was difficult ;-) before but this time they were coming out with comments like "I wish we could get hold of this sort of info" and "thank you for bringing it to our attention".

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