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Blue R32 used in a raid on a hgv carrying mobiles, S reg and they said was a very rare car so who owns an S regand is selling mobiles?

Appeal 6: Mobile Phone Heist

On 6th January, an HGV loaded with mobile phones was being driven through Coventry in rush-hour traffic. It was rammed twice from behind by a lorry. The driver stopped and got out to inspect the damage. Two men got out of the lorry. One man got into the HGV cab and drove off. The other got into a VW Golf and drove off. They left the lorry behind. The Golf was two-tone metallic blue, it had two exhausts, one on each side. The registration number started with an S or W, it is believed to be an Golf Mark 4 R32.

The mobile phones were not publicly available at the time they were stolen. They're a very distinctive white ceramic with a Vodaphone logo. There are 5000 Sony Ericsson V800s with a total value of just under £750,000.

Have you seen the two men involved in the theft? The driver of the Golf was described as being white, aged 19, 5'9" to 5'10" tall, with a thin build, He had a pale complexion and a thin face with pointed features. He wore a baseball cap and a light fawn bomber jacket. The driver of the lorry is described as being a white male, aged approximately 25-years-old, with a stocky build and dark curly hair.

Have you seen the lorry that contained the mobile phones, as this is still missing? It was described as a white, Renault Privilege articulated lorry. The main cabin was white whilst the trailer was dark blue. The registration was S798 TTW.

The original stolen lorry was described as having a blue Scania Tractor unit cabin with a red trailer. The registration number is V454 LFR. Did you see this stolen HGV between the 4th and 6th January?

Have you seen the VW Golf, described as a two-tone metallic blue, Mark 4 R32, with twin exhausts?

Sony Ericsson have put a reward of £60,000 for the arrest and conviction of all the men involved and recovery of the phones.

Incident Room number for West Midlands Police: 02476 539 432

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You would think they would change the plates but if your hijacking lorries like that then who knows if they care.

Its Direct Lines problem now as they own the car, I am sure the police already know where the car came from they really want to know where it is know. Perhaps they might find it now. I am happy with my current car best I have ever had.

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