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Moro Blue/Blue S4 cabrio


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And it has nothing to do with ignorance. It's a very small village that couldn't be considered of great importance to anyone but its inhabitants most of the time. I just felt it was worth being specific in case my guess was correct. Looks like I'm going to be wrong.

Again tongue.gif

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A quick google returns this for a cool 750k. grin.gif


[/ QUOTE ]

That actually looks at least worth it if you did have the money - you'd certainly feel like a millionaire living there. Compared to, say, a townhouse in Fulham for the same dosh EEK2.GIF.

In fact it does seem rather cheap... sure it's not just for a flat conversion or something ?

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I can guarantee it's not for all the property you see there, unless the amount is p.a.

Fulmer is in the Gerrards Cross area, which was found to be the hardest place in the country to get onto the property ladder in that report a few weeks ago. It's not cheap, even by London standards.

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