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Canon IXUS 300


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Does anybody has an instruction manual for this old gem. My boss has a new IXUS so as he never used the old 300 I snatched it off him. 169144-ok.gif Most of it is obvious and doesn't need instructions but I need help with the video function. How do I record videos of longer than a few seconds? On hi res it will only record about six seconds at a time. Anybody have any ideas? pengy.gif

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My Ixus 430 will only do 3 minutes maximum, I THINK its a limit of the Compact Flash interface, it can only write to the memory card at a certain speed and only has a certain sized buffer and so it can't record any more because of transfer speed limits.

E.g. if it has 1MB of buffer, can write 500KB a second and high quality video is 600KB/sec.

I'm not entirely sure but I'm guessing that could be why.

Very nice blag though 169144-ok.gif

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It's my fault. When I first got it it would show a count down in seconds of how much it could record. It was something like three minutes. That was fine, problem is I started fecking with it, as you do, and now it shows a COUNT UP from 0-6 seconds and then just stops. I've clicked on something to stop it working properly, I know I have, I've just got to work out what. confused.gif

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ive had an ixus 330, 400 and now 500

video mode on the 330 was never strong.

even now on the 500 its stated as approx 30 secs at highest res, or 3 mins at the two lower specs.

so you can garuntee its below this.

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Just noticed your post so thought I'd hop on here and point you towards a link for downloading the manual.


It's for the S300 but opening the manual says it's the same as the Ixus 300.

Hope this helps smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

What a top bloke you are, and with your first post too. Please accept my warmest welcome and humble thanks. notworthy.gifbeerchug.gifnotworthy.gifbeerchug.gif169144-ok.gif

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