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Tom Tom Nav 3 on PDA - need help!


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I've got an Ipaq 2210 with Tom Tom Nav 3.01 and a 256MB SD Card. I'm using a Bluetooth GPS module to reduce cable clutter.

It's not worked from day one. I can be driving along and then the Map stops - it doesn't keep up with me. I have to stop and restart TomTom again. It then runs fine before shortly stopping again. The software hasn't crashed - nothing has locked up and it claims it can still see the GPS data.

This is most annoying. I've updated the iPaq's firmware to remove the bluetooth "issue", but still no luck. Applied the latest TomTom patches, still nothing.

Has anyone got any ideas? It's about to hit the bin otherwise.


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It came with a wired GPS unit, but I don't want to see any wires (or as few as possible).

If I leave the Tom Tom software on the GPS Data screen (showing speed, direction etc) then it works perfectly.

It's just when using the maps that it fails.

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right ive had this exact problem, both with wired and blutooth version ...

make sure its all up to date yes... i found somtimes it crashes , screen freezes and you have to reboot or even worse wipe the machine to ge tit to work ! this happened to me this mornign, everytime i turned it on it froze... after playing with it for a while i realised if it was plugged in to the car ( on mains power ) then it worked fine ! so i think it sa problem with the power or not enough power to work , still a brill gaget though and despite the few glitches i would be lost without it... try it and see how you get on.

Ive now got the bluethooth reciever and a dell x50 oh and i actually sent all my gear over to tomtom as i complined, the biggest factor was the speed of the sd card ! you must have a FAST SD card with good data rate transfers, thats probably your problem ! for the sake of £20 its worth buying a fast sd card ( ive got a 512 one )

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i got a kingmax 60x speed from ebay (also ebuyer do them ) that was not too expensive, tomtom recomended me panasonic cards... the original card iw as using managed 1mb a sec - far to slow , they recomend 16mb a sec min

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I had this problem, its your SD card. Some of the chinese ones aren't quick enough, so cause the bluetooth to crash etc. Solution is to get a new sd card, but you take the risk the new one will be the same, or like me get a cf card, 9 months later not crashed once.

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well as i said ive got a kingmax card from ebuyer ( says they are 60x ) faster , but just tap 'fast sd' in to ebay and you get loads. the problem with this form of memory is that it can be very volitile, as i said i only hav eproblems with mine now when the power is low, i presume its the card sort of missinga a heart beat and casing it to crash if you get what i mean,

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