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Mirrors & First Aid kits


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I guess those tasteful replacement Mirror caps are the same for electric folding and manual?

Also been surfing ebay looking at First Aid kits as I don't have an original in either Audi and wondered if there was any good sources of these apart from ebay and my local stealer?



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Doh! Not the centre armrest, the ski hatch panel in the back seat. You knew what I meant though.

[/ QUOTE ]

If there was one interior change i'd love for the B7, it would be for that silly ski hatch to be replaced with a nice wide armrest just like in the saloon.

A ski-hatch...I mean, come on,... It's just so 1980's slap.gifsmashfreakB.gif

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Get a first aid kit, boots etc sell them, but most importantly learn to use it and customise it to fit what you think you will need.

Get basic stuff for your everyday needs, plasters headache tablets and then stuff for when you come across someone needing help....

Stuff like resusatation masks are cheap and are very useful for face injuries / stopping fluids transfering ( yuk I know ) Also gloves, lots of pairs of rubber gloves.

But dont just get a kit and leave it at that, cos I might want a little help from you one day :-)



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