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External AV 1,2


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I have a A8 2005 and I can see in the source section of tv/cd that I can video come in on external AV 1 and 2 and in the manual there is some talka bout some cable I can get off Audi but they don’t say or show where I connect this cable. And when I went to the dealers they had no idea what I was talking about can anyone help?

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well if the dealer did not know what you were talking abuot , i should think with a 2005 A8 they should find out for you ! get on the phone and tell them waht you wnat, that you will order if from them and let them do the hard work 169144-ok.gif

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The dealers seem to be very poor on this kind of thing. You want a cable from Dietz, most likely a 1216 for a current A8 model.

These guys are importing Dietz stuff, but they certainly know how to charge for it. I don't see the 1216 listed, but I doubt they'd struggle too hard to order you one (for a cost!).

Of course, if you are handy with a soldering iron, and a few quid's worth of bits from Maplins, you could make your own up and just 'borrow' Dietz's install instructions. I really would love to suggest you buy the part and repay Dietz's R&D work, but by the time some importer has made their healthy margin, you could be looking at £60 for £5 worth of parts...

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thanks Chris_B for these links the Dietz link even has a pdf on how to install it smile.gif . I'll take a look at my car when i have the time and see if i can do it. As you said it looks like all i have to do is soldering 5 wires for 1 av in put and 10 for 2.

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