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Finally managed to backup 2005_2 Nav Disc

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After making lots of coasters i've finally managed to backup my original 2005_2 DVD Nav disc.

Why Audi made this one difficult i dont know, surely everyone has the right to back up a £300+ DVD in casw the original gets scratched!!!

FYI - i've only managed to do this on my Mac, struggling to do it via a pc but working on that now.

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A couple of questions...

1. Did you get the 2005_2 disk from Audi or eBay

2. Does it have the TMC data for the UK on it (i.e. can you see traffic alerts on the Nav+, or is the TMC icon not crossed out)

3. What Mac program did you use to copy it, Toast or Disk Utility


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I'm trying to backup my 2005_1 disc with no luck, I assume it has the same copy protection issues as the 2005_2 disc.

I don't have access to a mac, but I can't see it would be a mac only solution!

I've used clonyxxl and a-ray scanner and they don't tell me anything useful. I've tried to copy with Alcohol 120%, Clone CD, Nero and BlindWrite with 3 different DL writers and 2 different types of DL media.

Everytime the RNS-E always think the copy is an update DVD and still asks for the navigation disc.

Can you tell us anything special you did to make the copy work? Media brand? Software settings?

I've made a nice pile of DL coasters, don't really want to make any more! sportifs2.gif

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Still testing, mine sees it as the navigation disc and draws the maps etc etc.

Not sure it likes the media im using though, i get lots of cannot read from disc errors.

I'll update when i have one, but making progress, at least the unit see's it as the nav disc.

Unfortunately no more updates this week as i'll be back in prague again.

But i'll work on it Friday and the weekend once i get some new media.

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Think im getting nearer with this. From the conversations i've had with CraigyB on this i think the problem with the PC copying method is that the label is wrong. The disc label i get when using it in a Mac appears to be correct. I'm working away at the moment so i cant post what it should be as the nav disc is in my car at the moment.

I'll post more updates when i've cracked it.

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OK, I have both disks in the drives at the moment _1 and _2

These are the labels that windows XP SP2 sees in explorer....

2005_1 V221_MASTER

2005_2 V221_PDVD3C

I have a linux server with redhat installed, I'm going to install a DVD reader in that and check the label.

I can read Andy's 2005_2 copy in my RNS-E, but I think it's quality is poor as when I calculated a route to london, it just showed the M-ways and no surrounding country.


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Been thinking about this a little more. I notice that some of you are using Alcohol 120% to try and make an image, have you turned on the RPMS settings? I know those settings enable the uk-info disc to be ripped and that is some serious protection!

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I posted this on the navplus.us forum, thought I might as well post it here too:

I have tried nearly every combinations of the following: ooo.gif

- LG GSA-4120B and NEC 2510a dual layer writers. 2 different firmwares on each.

- Alcohol 120% (Version 1.9.5 build 3105), Nero, Blindwrite and CloneCD

- Verbatim, Traxdata and Datawrite DL DVD+R blanks. Not cheap.

- 2005_1 and 2005_2 nav DVDs

Every single time the burnt DVD is detected in the RNS-E as an "update" disc and not a map disc. We must be missing something else?

I've even tried the discs in two different RNS-E units! blush.gif

Please help before I go crazy suicide.gif

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That would be the royal "We"

Just like to point out i think i've cracked it, the feature that was pointing out issues before was when i was planning a route to a specific longitude/lattitude, that now works like a charm.

Good job really as it was my last dual layer disc. I'll leave it in over tomorrow as im out and about and report back with any issues.

The bad news for most is...this wasn't done on a windows machine laugh.gif

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