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Not if you had quattro then again if you did get wheelspin then the ESP would just stop the car from going forward, surely you do not want that? Ok so you can compensate the fact that quattro may limit the times you wheelspin but when you do you do not want ESP kicking in as it just puts stops power going to the wheels, well thats what it did on my old TT anyhow.

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Haldex should usually kick in before the ESP unless you're really vicious. Otherwise you'd never get ANY power going to the rears.

ESP should always be off though if you want to floor it - apparently the 1st - 2nd change is much smoother?!

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4000 RPM, ESP on, Drop clutch and let the Quattro do the rest 169144-ok.gif

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I find if I leave the ESP on the car will sit on the spot without moving for a full second while the ESP cuts engine power (to prevent wheel spin). As the revs come back on again the car will then launch. This whole procedure takes place while the accelerator is flat to the floor. ESP off no problems - just a slight chirp of wheel spin. A good way to test this theory - turn right into a street in a hurry, just in front of oncoming traffic, and if you give it enough you'll be sitting in the middle of the road with your foot flat to the floor hardly moving and looking like an idiot. bike.thumb.gif

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