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I need to chat to a Phatnoise guru....

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Story so far......PMM installed OK, followed all instructions ref the DMS cradle connectiions etc etc. Came to insert the cartridge...windows XP seemed to recognize the hardware but then told me "problem with your hardware" the red light was on but at no time did the green light show on the cradle, then an audible alarm started emitting from the cradle/cassette!!! Please assist if you can.. bowdown.gif

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In more than two years experience with the PhatBox/DMS cradle I have never experienced this. I didn't even know that there was an alarm.

Do you have a suitably powerful PSU for the cradle - I use a 12V 1Amp supply.

Just a thought - it's not head to disc inteference in the cartridge, is it?

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Hi Peter, I have an ac/dc adaptor currently set at 12V and a polarity setting of -sign, whatever that means? It all came packaged and appeared to be plug and play...its the alarm I'm concerned about and windows not picking up the unit when the USB2 cable is plugged in. Waiting for the supplier to get back to me. Head scratching continues! Thanks for the feedback.....David pengy.gif

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I think peter is more concerned about the current your PUS is able to supply to the cradle. The phatnoise actually states a 1.6A PSU at 12V center line positive, now as you have the red light on, then I guess that you have the right polarity, but maybe no enough current to start the disk up.

Check you PSU rating, should be marked on it.


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169144-ok.gif Craig, Peter, it would appear that the rocker switch (the size of a gnats willy) was mid way position, I moved it a tad and the cradle was then picked up by windows, I assume that the pre requisite 1.6 amps was not acheived before the adjustment. Thanks for the feedback, now to get this fecker loaded with muzac!!!!!! 169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gifnotworthy.gif
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Its actually on the ac/dc 12v adaptor which came with the unit from the states (unbeknown to me at the time as I bought it off ebay as I quote "UK supplied") alls good now though and I'm populating the cartridge as we speak with all sorts from Rick Astley to Blank & Jones! 123576-assfeck.gifSMOKE6.GIF123576-assfeck.gif

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