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Define "Flywheel Chatter"??


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Can someone please explain Flywheel Chatter to me? For a while now I've had some vibration / rattle when fully engaging the clutch (Or disengaging @ higher revs) as well as frequent grinding when shifting into reverse suicide.gif

I'm HOPING that the clutch/flywheel is still good for a bit (Although with 133,000+ miles I doubt it crazy.gif)

So anyway, I'm starting to suspect that these symptoms I mentioned could be Clutch/Flywheel related...... so what do y'all think?

Thx beerchug.gif

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Thx for that link dude 169144-ok.gif

Now the question is..... SHOULD I get the damned thing replaced frown.gif (Signs are pointing to "Yes"). Then I'll need to decide whether I spend the $$$$ and just replace it with the standard part... or go with the lighter 14lb VR6 Clutch / Single-mass Flywheel smirk.gif

Decisions, decisions smashfreakB.gif


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