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Undercover police car M1 J25ish


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Yesterday I spotted a Black Honda Accord (I think Type R, didn't really have time to look) that had pulled someone on the M1 I believe around J25/J24 mark.

The reg was X5*8CLE. It was rather discreet, the only reason I knew it was a fed was because the rear foglights were flashing alternately.

Keep an eye out gents!

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Surely that's nearly Entrapment?..

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd think so!

I remember my friend had an XR3i(when it was pretty new)and had two police racing him in a normal MK3 escort.They lost it on a bend and caught a parked car-then pulled him for speeding and all other related offences.

He swears to this day they were racing him for a laugh and when they stacked the car had to do him!!! EEK2.GIF

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The Volvos usually have a LED display in the back which flashes up police when you're pulled. If you look closely you might spot that. Usually you can tell by the extra aerials they have attached to the roof or windows.

And the two guys in white shirts with radios attached to their chests usually give it away..

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haha yeah - I remember overtaking a brown mondeo with a woman in a white shirt with a radio on her chest while I was going 75. My mate went 'err theres a copper in that car' and I felt my throat sink (as I already had 3 points)

Luckily though, I just carried on at a constant and she didn't seem to care.

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You're alright at 75 if you're driving normally and not like a loon, and nothing's hanging off your car. Otherwise they'd find an excuse to pull you then likely do a full check on your car, and chances are they'd find something.

I regularly creep past at 80-85 when no one else has the minerals to do it.

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