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[Audi A3/S3] Shelless Problem


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I use Optimax when possible but there is no shell Garage near to me so I've been using Esso Premium, although now my local Esso Garage is closing & the only other local one is BP Ultimate which seems OK but is always the most expensive.

However I have used the normal 95 octane and whilst it may not be as good, I can't honestly say I can feel the difference. beerchug.gif

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All.. a new user Purple Nurple made a post in the A3 section about Optimax and what it will and won't do.

I have copied the post into General Cars on this link Optimax the truth.

Basically normal unleaded most of the time with a fill of Optimax every few tank fulls is the best way to go for the car and the pocket. We all really don't need to be obsessed about needing Optimax. Normal unlead from a good name not supermarket will do fine. 169144-ok.gif

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