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Must-have vehicle accessory for the blingers


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For a variety of cars with electronic fuel injection engine control, the SPINNER EXHAUST TIP has the beneficial effect to eliminate the initial hesitation of the engine under rapid acceleration. Furthermore, the exhaust gases emanating from the tailpipe will be uniformly dispersed into the atmosphere. In some instances the speed of the vehicle will be sufficient to create a negative presence at the outlet of the exhaust tailpipe to assist in the evacuation of the exhaust gases.

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WTF?? yelrotflmao.gif

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Do you think it gives of a "whizzzzz" noise like those things you used to blow in when you were a kid? That'd be cool...

Also I wonder if the pressure of the exhaust gases when forced through the blades is sufficient to provide any additional motive force? Couple of bhp would be the clincher for the army of chavs amassing luncheon vouchers as we speak.

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