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best insurance quote!


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Hi all. picking up my gti next week. i would like to know what company offers the best insurance quote, obviously fully comp. i have had 2 quotes already 1 from esure which was £572.00 and 1 from tesco which was £771!!!. so its quite a difference. please help


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No surefire way of finding the 'best' quote, unfortunately.

Everyone will recommend their own insurer as they obviously got a good deal (otherwise they would have gone through someone else!!)

Having said that, try Bell Direct - they are owned by Admiral but have a slightly different quotation system. They did the biz for me - £500 Fully Comp with Protected No-Claims on an R32, mods declared, in Essex smile.gif

Just remember that cheapest is not always best - check the small print carefully to see exactly what you do and don't get in the event of any accident/claim.

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b5rkr - It's an unwritten rule at TSN not to use CAPS so totally. Not only is it considered to be shouting of the screaming variety but it's also more difficult to read easily.

It's always difficult to beat your existing insurance quote if you have been with them for a long time. To keep regularly swopping your insurance co on the basis of price alone is a false economy in the longer term.

For your list, I'm with Direct Line.

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The GTi is certainly a car I would consider, Direct line quote= £387 169144-ok.gif

Not bad for a 26yr old 169144-ok.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an understatement -- last I checked it was at least three times that for me with Direct Line, and I'm 24! How many years of no claims do you have, if you don't mind the ask?

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norwich union rocks! ive done a few "practice quote" adjusting a few details so that im 17... i got a "rapid quote" which means i get a 9 months contract which helps me boost my NCB quicker. It also means i end up paying less in the long run.

For my 1.0 Polo insurance was £2300 fully comp

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....No, no problem whatsoever. I generally respect the law and safety is everything as far as I am concerned. The only 'problem' I have is not agreeing with the 70 mph limit on those roads which clearly allow greater speed when safe conditions of weather and traffic allow....But that's not a problem with you but just my democratic right to disagree with that particular law and have my own opinion.

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