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Touareg (On The Beach)!


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My only issue is this - That Toureag was rented from adealer right? Judging by the local plates I would say yes...

Some poor sucker has probably bought that - thinking it's an ex demo - and its actually been charging through salt water.

Not sure I would be happy about that if it was mine...

Don't get me wrong - it looks like a laugh - just not sure...

I've got a lot of mechanical sympathy - even for rental cars sekret.gif

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Isn't that car built for that sort of punishment? You did see the VW ads right?! tongue.gif

As with any car (S/RS/M3 etc) you buy it knowing it could have had it's pants thrashed off it during it's previous life.

I'd not buy one of those without wishing to inspect the underneath of it, among other parts of it.

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