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2.8 Quattro - Rear Diff Oil Leak - Advice


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I have a 1999 2.8 Quattro and have an oil leak coming from the rear diff, i don't yet know if it's from the prop shaft seal or the drive shaft seal (i will be going to Audi tomorrow to find out which). Questions :

1. Speaking with the parts dept they say it is a big job (can beleive it, but they also said that if it is the prop shaft seal,when it is done, it is important to '' get the load correct'' when the diff is put back ? Any comments on what is involved in doing this ??

2. Can you suggest a ''container'' that can be used to top up the diff with oil should it need it, i understand you need a bottle that can be ''pumped'' to get it in. I did think of a sports bottle with one of the straws crazy.gif

Any help or advice much appreciated, thanks.

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Pass, but my 2.8 Q has a similar problem. My local VAG Specialist is going to do it (and the auto gearbox propshaft seal too)

He thinks it will be about a mornings job all in. + about £30 for the seals!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed, cheap on parts but time consuming. My local specialist quotes about £100 for labour.

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