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Close Encounters of the Chav kind


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Sat at home yesterday eve doing some emails, when I hear the porch door go ding (makes a bleep on the alarm when it opens), which usually means a neighbour or someone I know is about to knock on. So I make my way to the front door and open up, only to find some scroaty little chav scurrying off down the street, who promptly jumps into a waiting feckus, which wheelspins off down the street! EEK2.GIF

What the F….?! confused.gif Took a moment for the penny to drop, and realise the thieving opportunist little shite would have been trying my front door to sneak in and nab the keys! mad.gif Thankfully it was locked as it is always, but I’m guessing the porch bell freaked him before he even tried.

Certainly made me think though, about beefing up security, and about walking outside without a thought of checking… seriously could have been ambushed (I guess if they seriously wanted it that’s what they would have done). So, a timely reminder for all of us, about not being overly complacent with our lovely toys.

Porch door is now permanently locked as a matter of course! Missus has been re-educated! (now wants to move house…! SAUER0421.GIF) And the knacked security light is being fixed this weekend. Chavs! openfire.gif

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