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Power on dude... NOT!


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Changed my Athlon 64 3400+ cpu core from 2.4 to 2.5, great it worked, turned PC on next day the power lights come on and fans are going but monitor turns off and hard drive led stays lit and er thats it, the PC is going no further.

Oh bottoms I thought, so pressed reset and hey ho it boots as normal, all diag stuff tells me overclocking is in action and everything seems Ok, 2 hours of Quake 4 later confirmed this, and then any soft boots or hard power off/on at wall socket again work! Great leave it at that.

Next day, same thing happended again, soWTF! Bios upgrade, dodgy power saving setting in bios, or did the soft reset should not really have worked and I am seriously burning my cpu up?

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Yep sorry;

Athlon 64 3400+, Gigabyte G8kns pro, Corsair TwinX 2gb, 160g Samsung ATA IDE, Lan Li PC 7 case, Tagan 380w PSU, Galaxy 6800GT 256 graphics (slightly overclocked), Audigy2, Aopen CDRW/DVD combo and ye olde iiyama vision master pro 17 inch monitor.


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