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saw the funniest thing today.............


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What i saw today made me laugh so much, although in reality i guess it isn't so funny...... well you decide.

As i was bombing down a local A road in the coach, i looked over and nearly lost control with laughter grin.gif

There was a paperboy (age 13~14 i guess) completely tapped up around a telegrath pole and with his shoes removed, even his yellow paper bag was tapped up with him, god knows how long he'd been stuck there as it was about 10am this morning......

In all honesty if i could have stopped somewhere safe i would have and released the poor sod (after a sneaky phone picture of course) grin.gif

Got to say...................... it made my day yelrotflmao.gif


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unfortunately there was nowhere for me to stop (in time or safely)to get a picture... but i tell you what, still makes me chuckle now.... he's lucky it was a dry day..


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Even luckier that he wasnt 25 and stuck there after his stag night!

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