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RS4 !!


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I was there at 8 am on Wed morning and there was no RS4, when was it there?

I appraoched a curb to the front that was bigger than I thought and subsequently pulled the small rubber strips of the fron of the underneath of my bumper.

Excellent service as I rang them at 4:30 pm the afternoon before and they said get it in first thing, all fixed for free.

I have previously dealt with Smith Knight Fay Stockport but bought a new property in the wirral so Chester seems closer.

My only problem with chester is the lack of parking.

Oh and a good way to see if the PDI check turned into a race around the M60, M56 or M53 is to see how much oil is deposited on the zorsts.

I gave the zorsts a good clean on the S4 and drove like a fairy, no oil deposits over 3 days, then took it out and gave it beans, the zorsts were filthy and oil/carbon deposits every where.

I thought when I saw my first RS4 in the Liverpool showroom 1 month ago that someone had some fun as the zorsts were coated and the car was immaculate.

There was an RS4 at Stockport on Wednesday, absolutely immaculate, the owner was due to collect it and had specified that no one touched it, nevermind whent in it. Immaculate zorsts.

do i have a fetish for zorsts?????

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