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Advise on TDi Passat performance


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Hi all, was hoping to get some help here. Am looking to replace my 3 year old company 130 tdi passat with a tdi passat auto/tiptronic ( am not allowed an auto box on the company car schedule so this is a 'buy out'); After looking for ages, not many 130 tips around ; ideally around 2 to 4 years old ( guess its because they are around 2k on the purchase price). There seem to be a few more 100 hp tdi autos around but looking at the performance specs they seem too slow etc to what I,m used too.

Was thinking of getting a 100hp tdi auto & purchasing a power upgrade from REVO or similar; has anyone done something similar with a 100 hp auto? And if yes, what were the results like?

Thanks in advance


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I have a 130TDi Tip SE on a 51-plate. (1 owner, FSH, 80k miles, paid £5995 in January)

I'm averaging, mainly short trips in town it has to be said, around the 33mpg mark. That's a whole 14mpg more than my BMW 525 auto would let me see!

On the motorway and longer trips it'll do nearer 50mpg. Have not yet had the chance to take it for a real leg stretch.

Performance is fine for normal driving but not electrifying so am saving up and then deciding whether to get it remapped to about 170bhp.

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Thanks for the replys guys.

I realise the auto box will 'cost me' but as approx 10 k miles a year are in London's west end I have had enough of the passats less than light clutch in the heavy traffic & am prepared to compromise with the 'luxury' of an auto box Vs loss of performance/fuel consumption. I do like the passats build quaility & reliability hence why I am looking to replace my company car with my 'own' passat.

Regards the audi, seems to me you have to pay an even higher premium for the name & perhaps not quite such 'value for money' as the VW!! One of my colleges had an A4 and although I thought it was pretty good, was definatley lacking in space in the rear ( I have 2 kids) & the seats were firmer than the already not over comfortable passat's!!

Thanks again


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Your right I know but.......................I,m not sure if I can ..........I dont want to be a car snob but a skoda!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I was a kid ( long time ago, I,m 45 now ) ; Skodas were on a par with things like Wartburg & Trabant; there was a guy over the road who owned a Trabant & every morning we were treated to clouds of two stoke smoke & the most amazing noise's........I,m laughing just remembering it!!!

Seriously though, are the 'new' Skodas that good?


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I dont have a TDi but I do have a tip box in my 1.8T and frnakly I wouldnt change it for the world. The auo/tip box is excellent. economy wise I dnt do too bad either...on the motorway I can average anything between 35-38MPG for a 1.8T petrol I think thats decent.

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I have to admit I very very rarly use the car in the town...Its strictly a motorway cruiser... I have a little runnaround for daily use. my VW is for weekend use only.

But I can get upto 23MPG round town. I do drive with very light right foot tho. Also the only weight it carries is me! car is totally empty otherwsie. smirk.gif

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Alot of the fuel economy is dependant on how the car is treated, maintained, excess weight, Tyre Pressues, quality of fuel used, the use of electrical toys etc. You really do have to try to think really far ahead to get decent MPG. in terms of Braking, changing lane etc.

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