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Silly 306 driver


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Meant to post this last week, when it happened, but I'd forgotten until now...

Picture the scene; my car is just about run in when I draw upto a set of traffic lights with two lanes going straight on. The left hand lane, which I am in becomes a bus lane in about 100m. In the right hand lane is a young lad in a 306. I think nothing of it as I don't do TLGP... sekret.gif

I hear a rev...then another rev...oh aye, the 306 lad wants a go. Now, it wasn't a GTI-6 or anything nice, just a bog standard petrol 306 (I've driven them and know they're slow). So I decide to give it some beans off the green light...which I do.

I pulled about 3 or 4 car lengths in front and then moved into the right hand lane so to avoid the bus lane and kept driving at the speed limit. The goon behind had obviously lost face and so decided not to brake until really late, so he nearly hit me.

I was a little concerned by now, but ignored him and kept driving. Then at the next set of lights (which were on green) he entered the turn right only lane and then booted it, cut in front of me (very nearly swiping my front wing) and accelerates away. I caught upto him at the next roundabout due to traffic (I was just doing the speed limit...no really!) and he decided to jump a red light in order to get away shocked.gif

Now some people, well, I just can't believe him! If I revved my engine at the lights to an E46 M3 and it beat me (which it would) then I'd accept it, rather inevitable if you ask me...

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it would have been smarter to ignore him when he started revving the nuts off , lets face it you know your car is quicke so why bother?

he goaded you into a near accident

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This much is true, I do generally ignore them tbh...but the car was just run in and, well, I have no excuse, but grin.gif

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Hi stevie....You know I'm not a Moderator but I think I'm right in saying that this topic would probably be more appropriate in General Cars. Nothing 'heavy' meant by my words - I'm just sharing what I think the TSN Mods might prefer.

Cheers, mate - Good to meet you the other day 169144-ok.gif.

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It's these 306 drivers and similar oiks that led me to "stealth" the rear of my GTI.....

If they can't see what engine is inside, then they are less likely to want to race ZZZ.gif

Or if they do, they're less likely to expect GTI performance FIREdevil.gif

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Hmm....I'm not convinced. Twin exhaust and Monza alloys and, of course, the GTI nose with or without the GTI badge are a giveaway. When I saw your car at CarLimits my first thoughts were that someone had nicked your front GTI badge because you can see the mounting.

If you do 'race' them and they get a surprise due to your actually being a GTI they might think your car is a re-mapped Mk5 2.0 FSI.

Personally I would rather pay homage to the GTI and keep it badged and ignore those boy-racers. But each to their own.

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Stevie that's exactly why I'm thinking of debadging mine at the back. I park in a multi-storey everyday and always park front first now.

Does the back GTi badge just "pull off" or is more care needed ?

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Hi Jonny.

All you need to do is heat up the rear badge with a hair dryer,slip some dental floss or similar behind it and bob's your uncle! 169144-ok.gif

I think this link might be of interest to you if you're thinking of de-badging the front too:



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I am removing the badge to paint the letters red, as I am not about to pay $75 for the 20th Ann badge. I'll post pictures even though it has been done already

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I see the above quote down the end of the thread that SiBurt attached - do they know something we don't? Will we be able to pay a small price to make our GTI's look like a 20th Anni version 169144-ok.gif

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More care needed - the G and T and I on the rear are all on double sided sticky tape. Best taken off by warming with a hair dryer or less easy - with warm to hot water. The letters will then pull off with gentle traction. You can use dental floss to get behind it at first too. Then clean off any left over adhesive and wash and polish as normal.

Your VW dealer (or Fleabay) will sell you the replacement badges of your choice for less than a tenner each. In a public car park it is probably better to have Golf and another badge than nothing. Traditionally "Golf" goes on the left and on the right you have what you want - FSI or 2.0 FSI are "honest" for a GTI, whereas SDI or TDI aren't! And then you will have a happily stealthed GTI 169144-ok.gif

When you come to resell, just remove them as above and refit a "GTI" badge set - from your stealer for under a tenner beerchug.gif

The front grille is a little more complicated - the GTI badge will unclip, but may break off if flexed. If broken on removal it can be purchased new for around a tenner (dealer or eurolinky)

Regarding the residual mounting in the plastic grille for the GTI badge it hardly seems worth removing to me, as if you do you can't refit the GTI insert when it comes to resale time - a new grille will set you back about fifty pounds!

Converting to a standard Mark 5 grille is risking your warranty as VW claim the GTI grille was required to provide sufficient airflow for the turbo NONO3.GIF

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Oh, and may all be worth doing for anyone planning on using a Morrison's car park too - using stealth will hopefully will help out there too 169144-ok.gif

ps thanks SiBurt - we cross posted at around the same time ECLIPSe.gif

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