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muppets and roundabouts


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Over the last few weeks I have noticed an increasing trend.

People driving onto roundabouts when their exit isn't clear!

They even give you a dirty look when you creep in front of them heading for the inner ring of the roundabout where your exit is clear.

fekr.gif's all of them!!

(35mins to work - 90 mins home as a result of roundabout shenanigans)

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If anyone knows the rounabout on the A46 where you turn off to Binley (Coventry).. I get cut up there EVERY time I pull on to it heading toward the M69. Person to the left ALWAYS pulls across my lane, taking the shortest route and not where the actual lanes go. Last time it was at about 45mph in the middle of a glorious quattro maneouver fekr.gif

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EVERYTIME I get on the roundabout in the right lane, or straight on lane, the car on the inside cuts across and comes within an inch or two of my passenger door.....

I then use my horn, loudly and for a decent amount of time, and get sworn at, w#nker signs, two fingers etc, and the other day, a Focus, followed us with full beams lit up for about 5 miles.

Its just lazy driving, plain and simple. Stick to your own fecking lanes!

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tell me about it! mad.gif

What the hell is going on these fekr.gifs taking the last exit from the inside lane.

I had an incident at a round about on the A40; loads of I'll ripp you apart nonsence and beeping, only to find traffic cops sitting on the verge too busy radaring traffic on the A40 smashfreakB.gif

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Somthing to scare you:

If anybody knows the senic North Wales town of Bala you will note that there isn't a roundabout for a fair few miles in any direction (map of Bala Here, and the nearest rounabouts are Here and Here )

Now this is not a big problem in itself, as Bala has only 2 major roads, only one of wich is a trunk road

But bear in mind Bala does have one important thing, A driving test centre...

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Rhyds - I note on the map that you have a mountain called "World's End"

Is that an accurate description of the area? suicide.gif

Shark - I know the roundabout you mean. I get carved up there regularly too. It is the only time I wish I were driving a tank. openfire.gif They wouldn't carve me up twice... FIREdevil.gif

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Rhyds - I note on the map that you have a mountain called "World's End"

Is that an accurate description of the area? suicide.gif

Shark - I know the roundabout you mean. I get carved up there regularly too. It is the only time I wish I were driving a tank. openfire.gif They wouldn't carve me up twice... FIREdevil.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Brisel: I've never been there (I'm only up in NE Wales for uni), but the scenery and driving roads in the area are great

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I had this very thing happen to me in Morpeth a while back. Some daft bint decided to join a queue on the roundabout by staying in the left lane, rather than waiting for the exit to clear. As I was to her right so in theory she should have given way to me anyway. With this in mind, I just pulled onto the r/bout, alongside her, and headed towards the exit. She hit her horn, so to teach her a lesson (she was in a Nissan Micra. I could fit one of those in my boot), I kept going, leaving no more than an inch between the back of my car and the front of hers. Needless to say she realised she was in the wrong, and backed off somewhat.

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The worst rounadbout I'll have to encounter regularly when I drive is Seaton Delaval roundabout. It horrifies me every time we go around it. It has 5 exits, and theyre all equally as scary as the other, because they have a total disregard for lane discipline or the fact that they have orange flashing lights on the corners of their car.

This picture does it no justice, its a scary place to be on a Saturday afternoon, mainly because the best ice cream shop int he world is on that roundabout, so everyone just stops along oen side and gets out...


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