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Wireless router and mutiple logins

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OK, I'me set up fine and dandy with wireless for my signon to the PC (Belkin router). If I then sign on as wifee (singning me off first) she cannot get out to the web etc and the router comes up red/no radio enabled.

Log in as me again, then log in as wifee and then she is OK.

So there is something in my login script that is connecting to the router that is not present in wifee's ?

feckin annoying that we both need to be signed in for her to use Wireless.... smashfreakB.gif

Ideas anyone ?

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check the router settings - most have default as multiple dhcp clients an a larger enough IP range to give out ! Either taht or you are both using the same static IP hence only one at a time !

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I'm not a network bod so...setup re dhcp:


We are both logging onto the same PC. When wifee logs in on her own she cannot use Wireless. When I am still logged in and then she also logs in she can (so Scooby_simon and Scooby_wife are both logged into the same PC at the same time - using XP).


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looks like your wife's profile does not contain the wireless settings, can you confirm that, as I understand it, you are both using the same PC? and what, if any, wireless security settings you are using? Normally basic network settings apply to all user profiles but perhaps the Belkin is different. If you are using Windows XP with SP2 try letting Windows control the settings rather than the Belkin software.

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Yup sounds as if wifes XP profile not set up, wired LAN adapters tendto cascade but suspect that wireless ones do not. do you use WEP / WPA scurity on wireless router ? This is deff per user, I can only guess but when both profles are running then she somehow inherits your credentials (router does not understand the difference and sees the IP and MAC address as the same user)

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YOu might need to add her into power users. Shouldn't have to though. When I set up the wireless terminals for A&E at work, I just had to grant the station logon admin rights, then remove them once it had picked up the settings. It varies between routers/NIC's though.

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YOu might need to add her into power users. Shouldn't have to though. When I set up the wireless terminals for A&E at work, I just had to grant the station logon admin rights, then remove them once it had picked up the settings. It varies between routers/NIC's though.

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OK, something for tomorrow - I don't want to give her (or the kids) perm admin rights !!!!! smashfreakB.gif

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There's the problem then, Belkin program requires user admin rights to sort out it's own config.

You give a user Power User rights in the same place you give them Administrator rights - is it XP Home or Pro?

A better way around it would be to just use the standard config utility in Windows instead of the 3rd party Belkin one and I'm 99% sure it'll run without a problem.

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There's the problem then, Belkin program requires user admin rights to sort out it's own config.

You give a user Power User rights in the same place you give them Administrator rights - is it XP Home or Pro?

A better way around it would be to just use the standard config utility in Windows instead of the 3rd party Belkin one and I'm 99% sure it'll run without a problem.

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OK, can I just switch off the Belkin program and then let XP manage it ?

XP home.

Edit I only get the choice of "admin" or limited from the "user account" within Cntl panel...

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To give them power user rights, just add them into the power user group (start-run-mmc(enter), then file-add snap in-local users and groups-ok-ok, then double click the power users groups and put her name in there. Power user rights is less comprehensive than full admin, so she shouldn't be able to mess too much up if you give her those.

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Simon go to Cntl Panel - Network Connections - Right Click on Wireless Network Connection (or whatever you might have named it) - Wireless Networks Tab - Check "Use Windows to configure my Wireless Network Settings"

You'll have to put the network details in there once (in the admin account) and get rid of the Belkin program altogether, let Windows do it's thing 169144-ok.gif

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too many cooks come to mind wink.gif

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Getting that feeling.

What is the best method.

I can do either and I've read that the Belkin Software can be a little ropey (as I'm, finding).

Edit to add - I'm on NTL so it's ethernet and so I do not have a USB on the back of the router !!!

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Personally I'd say do it the way Windows intended. Get rid of the (shite) 3rd party app and let Windows manage the wireless as it should do. Leave you as the admin and the others as standard users. The tools are there to do the job, might as well let them do it to save conflicts (like the ones you've found) 169144-ok.gif

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Don't get the ability ti add it to "local users":


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Under the 'description' bit there's an add button. It's just off screen, so you might need to move the window up a bit!

On reflection though, yes, too many cooks. Agree to take off the Belkin crap, and let windows do it's thing. Much easier. I go off on one sometimes and make things more complicated than they can/should be! beerchug.gif

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