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Car Covers


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Guys 'n' Gals,

Has anyone any experience with these covers ?

They become pretty pricey for the fully weatherproof ones, but if they're as good as they claim then I might consider it money well spent (depending on what you've got under the cover obviously.... wink.gifsekret.gif) as the car will be parked outdoors all year...

Any other recommendations or experiences ?



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I had one for my scooter (fair enough, it was just a £20 special out of halfords) but it was rubbish - If it had been raining, the cover was all wet & horrible to take off & the water/leaves/crap ended up on you. Yuck!!

The other problem was that stuff was blown up into the cover & my little engine was allwas covered in crap. So I'd say no to them - too much hassle! 169144-ok.gif

But, as I say, that was for a scooter, not for a car, so it may be differant. beerchug.gif

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Mines outside all the time and I have thought about it, but knowing my luck some bas**rd will come along and slash it or take it off.

I like to go with hard wearing waxes that last for months, so it's well protected from the elements.

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