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Hi everyone,

My fiance's car is in need of some TLC and now the weather is better (don't have a garage) I am thinking of giving it some treatment.

I have noticed that generally the Meguiars Stuff seems quite good but also wondered if anyone had tried Zymol?

Also, although we had the protection when we bought new the car is now 3 years old and I wondered what everyone used for the roof?

Car is A4 Cab by the way 169144-ok.gif

Thanks in advance as always


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I'd go for the Megs as well. Zymol is expensive and not worth the hype.

A combo I use to clean it is:

1. Wash with Megs NXT wash.

2. Clay (if yours has not been done I would highly recommend you do as it pulls the ingrained rubbish out of the paint and makes a great Mirror like finish).

3. Klasse All in one polish (only required every 6 months or so).

4. Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze

5. Topped off with Harley Wax.

This usually last a good 6 months without the need to rewax, and on this basis will last you years. This works well on my Black A4 Avant.

Always use a lambs wool mit as it stops/ prevents swirls in the paint and get a couple of good microfibre cloths for drying and taking wax off.

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