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too much black smoke out of my tdi 130


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since the intercooler hose came off whilst driving last week, the car (2004 a4 avant) has not been driving quite right,

there is now a lot more black smoke coming out the back and the throttle seems to be a little hesitant and it just doesnt feel right,

this is the second time the engine warning light has come on so there must be something wrong with it, the dealer just corrected the warning light and not the actual fault (at a cost of £116 to me)

they said they couldnt rectify it cause they couldnt find out what was wrong because the car has been chipped.(revo)

I'm now waiting for a sps1 to arrive by post, should be tomorrow and then change it back to stock and then take it to a different dealer in order to find out what the problem is.

anyone have an idea what could be the problem beforehand?

or advice ref the car?

many thanks


ps sorry about the story confused.gif

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does anyone think that the intercooler pipe coming off cause any lasting damage,

when it happend there was loads and loads of black smoke and loss of power and it was making like a droning noise, and it hasnt been right since frown.gif

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sps1 arrived this morning, worked a treat, car now back to standard,

quite suprised really as it now drives a bit smoother,the revo map is a lot more aggresive but the surge you get makes up for it smile.gif and there isnt as much smoke chugging out the back, got it booked in next week so will put the performance map back on after a trip to the garage.

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right then just got back from dealer;

turned out the air mass thingy needed replacing,

then on way home the engine light came on again frown.gif

this turned out to be a seal on the turbo (hence the black smoke)

all ok now (hopefully)

I'm going to leave it for a while before I switch it back to the revo map, because after the first visit today I switched it back to performance and the light came on again,

I think this was just a coincidence because there was still a lot of smoke coming out the back, driving away from the dealers, before the engine light came on again,

fingers crossed all sorted now smile.gif



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