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A6 Hall Sender - Help


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My ACK engined A6 (2.8 V6 with the 30 valves), idles erratically. Rev it from idle and it's smooth as cream.

It has been serviced and passed the MOT, BUT the idles is like a diesel.

I have had the timing checked and it is fine, the VAG specialist says the codes point him to the Camshaft Sensor on Bank 2. Does anypne know if this is the Hall Sender?

The engine has variable cams I think.

The codes are :-

01121 004 Camshaft Timing Control

107800 P139203 Bank 2 Camshaft Pos-Sensor G40

Many thanks peeps!

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The cam pos sensors were notorious on the 12v v6's but I have not heard of one failing on the 30v engine.

I would see if you can find a similar one at a crap yard or maybe on ebay. They are fairly easy to swap out the sender itself if you find one whihc is the same but in the wrong housing, ie, off a different engine such as V8 etc.

If it part No. 058 905 161 B then it is comon across almost every Audi from 1.8 20v's through to the RS6.

Have a look on here - http://ecat-online.bosch.de/toc/de/GH4RM...etJavaVersion11

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Just a bit about the 'Hall sensor'

In the early days of electronic ignition the sensor in the distributor in place of the contact breaker points (ask your Dad!) was called the 'Hall effect sensor'. Being in the distributor it took its signal from the camshaft (turning the distributor).

As engines and ignition systems progressed the distributor was discarded as the more advanced ECU's could control ignition timing far better than centrifugal weights in the distributor the sensor was usually renamed the 'Camshaft sensor' as it took its signal from the camshaft (Sometimes a small toothed wheel or bits stuck to the camshaft pulley).

Despite the name change the sensors function the same. They are usually a small plastic box with a magnet and a coiled wire inside.

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