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[Audi A3/S3] on own insurance now!!!


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finally got my own insurance now, start building them noclaims up for a S3heart.gif. Insured my 1997 1.6 sport with nationwide with pass plus and it was £1700 fully comp. cheaper than norwich union and the rest by about £1500 at least. How many years noclaims would i need to be able to insure an S3 for similar price?

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Yes, it's your age that will count against you, as well as no claims at this stage. Still, I wish I was driving an A3 at 17! I now have 10 years worth, but Direct Line only bother about '3 or more'. I have at last found an advantage to reaching 30 though - cheaper car insurance!

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norwich union are doing "rapid bonus" where you can get a full years noclaims in only 9 months and that continues throughout, so 4 year noclaims 12 months early, but there insurance is sky high i think. Best to build them young i guess, it'll pay off in the end

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It gets alot better once you'r 21+, im 22 with 2 yrs no claims, and an accident and my own 1.6 sport is £580 fully comp beerchug.gif

Bizzarely tho, i also have a mk 2 MR2 which i have 0 no claims for and it works out only £100 more expensive to insure that fully comp!

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At 22 with 4 yrs no claims you would get insured, but you would be looking at about 2 grand - its prob also not the best idea to jump from the 1.6 to an s3 - i'd get a 1.8t for a year first, then you would have max no claims and a bit of experience with a more powerful car. Mind you 4 years is a loooonng time

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im 20 with no no claims bonus and elephant are the only ones that will insure me on my s3 an its costing a whopping £2600. will it drop reasonably when im 21 with 1yrs no claims???????

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I was told that 'they' have put the age up from 21 to 25 so it used to make a big difference on your 21st now its on your 25th.

Now im 25 and havent got a big discount i can only assume they have put the age up to 30. to be honest i cant see them giving a big discount at any age just 123576-assfeck.gif us all the way to the bank!

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