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MX-5 new wheels


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The wheels on my MX-5 are not in a good state (and No, not due to my parking either!). 10 years of neglect means they are bubbling, marked and look a bit dung.gif in reality.

Thinking of these....

MX5 wheels linky

Any views? Same size so I can swap the Toyos over which I love, and can get my friendly tyre fitters in Warwick to do the job for cash very cheaply. 169144-ok.gif

Quite like them, not seen any others I prefer.

Current wheels....



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I really like those ones, had considered a set for mine as I only have 14" wheels but decided couldn't afford to right now.

Theres a site with all the Eunos and MX-5 wheels listed, some like the lightweight BBS ones (on the RS-Limited Eunos models I believe) are VERY desirable, they are something silly like 4kg per corner lighter than the ones I have!

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