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That Crash - VW/Audi Driver Castle Combe Track Day


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Done some digging, you only have to google

"Maurice Reeves mk1 golf"

to find posts all over the VW forums.

internet suggest



Bizarrely we saw Trevor appear to turn right off the track approaching Camp, which turned out to be intentional due to total brake failure (suspected boiled fluid) in an attempt to lengthen the corner and scrub speed off. Just relief all round that the ensuing prang hadn't occured at Tower. Estimates put the run to Camp at 120 - 130 mph, reduced by more than half before the impact

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the driver got up and walked out of it.

Love this picture notworthy.gif

really capures the great sparing and fun these two cars were having prior.


Source mad20v ~ Clubgti.com

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On a previous VW/Audi Driver, there was a chap who won the Audi V8 with gas conversion from Audi Driver mag, and he crashed it ino tthe tyre wall.

Having won the competition, he knew nothing about 4wd handling, and promptly went fast, skidded and did not know how to stop and/or correct a 4wd car skidding (as in, apply power!)

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I see. tha green one i was thinking of has full quattro 20v running gear.

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You're thinking of the Dubsport monster, it does have full quattro running gear (hence the wide arches) and a highly tuned 20v Turbo plus NOS for good measure. For the last few years at GTi international it has competed for sprint honours against the Dialynx sport quattro, another 5 pot 20v turbo, and Big Dub, a mk3 golf with a turbo charger VR6 from a corrado in the front and another turbocharged VR6 from a golf in the back. Keith Murray, whose red A4 is shown above, usually got the best times, all three are awesome cars.

I think Maurices' car, which uses and Audi A4 engine as well, was running close to 350hp from memory, with a secret suspension set up,ATB front diff, six speed dog box and drum brakes at the rear. Maurice, who must be in his eighties by now and is a hell of a chap, reckoned that rear disc conversions overbraked the rear end. My favourite story was of an all comers track day where one Tiff Needel in an M5 was rather irritated by a battered little red golf passing him all day long and rather spoiling his image....

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was very sad to see the Mk1 Golf hit the tyre wall at around 60-70 mph - really ruined the front-left corner of the car. I recall vividly the slow-motion effect of the car skating on its slicks across the grass, then trying to brake as it crossed the tarmac, then bang.

also worth pointing out that the 2 of them (Golf/Audi) were driving like loons at one point - and were not all that courteous to other (novice) trackday drivers. I believe the stewards were thinking of hauling them off at one point because of this.

Was very relieved to get my own car off-track in one piece - and to see the driver walk away from the Mk1 incident. He didn't seem that annoyed when I spoke to him later on - I would have been furious having totalled what looked like the fastest car on the day.


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I see. tha green one i was thinking of has full quattro 20v running gear.

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You're thinking of the Dubsport monster, it does have full quattro running gear (hence the wide arches) and a highly tuned 20v Turbo plus NOS for good measure.

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I know we're now off topic here, but the green ex-Dubsport MK1 Golf has 2 x 2ltr 16v engines in it. confused.gif

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