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GTI has to go


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Looks like the time has come for me to say goodbye to my GTI. Fortunately it is for a good reason in that my wife and I are expecting our 2nd child in February.

Called round a few dealers today to see what sort of price i could get, and am stunned how low they are quoting frown.gif

So anyone know anyone who wants a nice white GTI?

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Looking for somewhere in the region of 18K. 5 doors is great, but the boot is just 2 small for the stuff that comes with having 2 children. Looking at replacing with an S4 if financially possible...

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I haved to agree with Red, I think you should think very carefully before you replace the Golf. You'll simply end up taking a big hit in the depreciation. Hang on to it for another year. It wont drop much more and you'll get a better relative price. As for the mileage at only 6000 miles well that's just crazy low, even after another year nobody's going to think twice, they'll snap your hand off. 169144-ok.gif

Oh, and congratulations on the second coming, well done! wink.gif

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Certainly : Candy White 55 plate GTI. 18" Monza II wheels, RCD 500 with iPod integration, Front armrest, rear park sensors, 6000 miles only.

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May i ask

Your location ?

Year/Month of it ?

UK dealer car or import?

Has it had the rack done if an early 55 ?

Condition (any marks, dints, wheel damage, accident damage etc, etc ?)

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Do you really need the second child?

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lol.gif Well I chose a 3 door GTI...3 Year old & 6 month baby.

I find it much easier putting kids into car seats forwards in a 3 door car than liftng them in sideways breaking the foam side seat bolsters in the child seats and also clouting their heads on the roof as I seem to in 4/5 door cars! 169144-ok.gif Just take less sh1t with you when you go out. Don't forget, young kids don't need footwells either - bung bags down there too! grin.gif

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I've just decided to change my GTI for the same reasons(Gonna go for an A4 Sline), I was also supprised by how low the trade bids recieved on my car were, i've got until the end of the month to sell it private, unless it's going to the dealer, who has helped out with quite a bit of overallowance for a september reg. Spec as follows may 05 Red 3door with 18's and a 6 cd changer 12,300 miles 1 owner UK car mint condition, if anyones interested?

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Dealers are stealers no question. The amount of times i hear quotes like "extras don't mean anything mate" yeh boll*cks, won't stop them from putting it on the forecourt for £25k will it?

Or the other classic "oh, GTI's are dropping about £500 a month mate, so this price won't be valid next month" OK, now i know cars depreciate, but are they dropping the sticker prices of their forecourt GTI's by £500 a month, are they feck mad.gif rant over.

I won't even speak to a dealer about my car (if it has to go) as i really can't be arsed with the p1ss taking bull they always dish out. rant over again. grin.gif

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Great rant Mate, agree with everything you said. I have a lot of mates in the car trade, and funnily enough they all admit to telling customers a load of bull when it comes to trade ins. I would rather sell the car private, but I've struck a good deal on an s line for september, and unless I can find a buyer before then it's gonna have to go into their greedy hands!

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Hmmm....I guess that the A4 body shape makes it much more of a functional family car than a GTI. The GTI is better suited to couples while/if they have one child than those with more children. I still think you can make a GTI work as a family car though but A4 is easier. Interior cabin on A4 is no bigger than GTI though. It's the huuuuuuuuuge boot the A4/S4 has.

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Think It depends what price they offer it at, A few used GTI's have been sticking for a while in dealers round here, but it's mainly because of how close dealers expect to price them compared to buying a new car, I know they have to put a bit in to 'sweeten' the deal for trade ins etc but some of their margins they are allowing seem way over the top

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