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Holiday Insurance - Internal


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you would generally be covered by a combination of your house insurance, AA (type) cover for breakdowns and accommodation in case of breakdown etc. until you come to catch another form of transport other than using your car - i.e. missed train connection etc....... you would then need travel insurance.

Contents away from home (money, jewellery, clothes etc.) is stipulated in your household contents policy and may not cover the cost.....

I just opted for a £50 annual worldwide travel insurance including Skiing and Americas / Carribean cover. I used to only use the one that came with my Platinum Credit Card, but the cover dwindled and i now generally fly for free everwhere, so it didnt work out..... grin.gif

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An annual plan is ideal - and cheap. Should cover you for costs incurred due to missed ferries/flights etc. and other mishaps not included in house insurance/car insurance/break-down plan.

I pay £49 for myself and the wife for UK/Europe/Scandinavia cover.

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