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Experiences Performance torque/mini2tuning.co.uk


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Looking on their site there is a lot of reference to Will. Is this the same Will that posts here in regards to tuning? Just wondering.

Prel, if I were being honest I'd only have my car mapped at a reputable tuning house where the car can be fully checked before any work is done, output figures gained prior to a map, a well known and tested map is then used and output gains are then measures along with a check on the health of the engine. Software is available to so many people now and you see things on ebay for a £99 remap - but why on earth would you let that near a quality engineered motor engine? Not saying that Performance Torque aren't reputable, just that I know where I'd head for.

Somewhere like AMD or an agent for their one-click product, or Star Performance etc. Do a search on different tuners and you'll dig up lots of info! I'm sure someone who knows a bit more about tuning will be along soon as well! 169144-ok.gif

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Lottie, I think that is ECUTuner_Will's co. if I remember rightly.

I can't remember the crack with it all but I seem to remember he was in the priocess of putting pre and post mapping dynos' on the site of some cars he'd done beacsue that was the general concensus of why people were nervous to use him, even though Shark had used Will to remap his 1.9TDi.

Was there not problems in the end with that though? Anyway, remapping is a subjective topic with little supporting information and some wildly optimistic claims in performance gain and varying prices. Can soeon introduce a regulating body, OFMAP, or something?

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