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Whoo my cars nearly built , its early!


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Just been for a swift nip into my dealers and he informed me that my gti is already being built and is at stage 7 (i think he said). my original build week was 34 which is a week on monday but its nearly finished on week 32 and thats with dsg so no delays there then, well as long as its not at the "waiting for the gearbox stage" and then sits there for 2 weeks or more smashfreakB.gif.

might have it for the 1st at this rate, that would be cool.

sorry for this post but im excited ECLIPSe.gif

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When did you order?

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roughly the 20th of june, but it was a car my dealer already had on order anyhow, i just changed the spec to what i wanted. beerchug.gif

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(only joking)

i ordered mine on 22nd June but probably will not have it until beginning of October... frown.gif

good to know that orders are working their way through!!!

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Depending on your lifestyle's needs, you'll find the GTI a truly great allrounder. Good passenger car, great load capacity (esp with back seats down), very comfortable on long journeys, great fun to drive hard when the mood and circumstances allow.

I look forward to reading your first impressions. 169144-ok.gif

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My Corsa understeered like an absolute PIG!! (1.4 SXi 54-reg) hence the reason I have PX'd mine for a Tornado Red 6-speed manual GTI. Last time I checked my order, it was @ chk point 1. Phoning again tomorrow, and will keep pestering!

To say I'm excited would be an understatement!!

Later guy's


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Just for the record, I ordered mine on Sunday 6th August from Windrush VW in Slough (Berks). When I saw one of the other salesman last Saturday (12th), he said the way things look, I should be able to pick her up in around 5 weeks. Note though, mine is completely standard.

I can hardly believe it either, but I aint holding my breath as I know how these things work out, which in most cases is not in my favour lol.

Hope to hear from y'all soon!!


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lol Red, you got a hidden camera in my house? That's exactly what I do lol! I am on the net every night, keep looking at the confirmation print out of my GTI having started production, and constantly being on Tyresmoke.net

I trust your GTI still gives you a smile like a cheshire cat Red?

Nice one m8ey, hear from you again soon.

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Nah man, it's great to see people on here who have already taken delivery. It gives me a sense of re-assurance that I have bought THE best hot hatch on the market when you guy's say that you are still extremely pleased with your choice.

By the way, may I ask what your opinions are towards the other rival hot hatches on the market, Red?

Cheers buddy!

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By the way, may I ask what your opinions are towards the other rival hot hatches on the market, Red?

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....That's potentially a big quezzie to answer at this time of night. To keep it short and simple, I think it depends on what an individual wants and needs from a 'hot hatch'. The fact that the GTI has a 5-door option is a biggie. Audi A3/S3 is an obvious rival but although some are quattro they don't have quite as good load space (or suspension!) for my needs as a musician.

Several of the GTI's rivals have higher performance but it's fairly marginal and the GTI has the edge as a true allrounder IMO. The F1 Megane is a hot drive I imagine but again only 3-door. The new Volvo C30 looks promising but same again - Only 3-door. Vauxhalls and Fords just don't float my boat but are good value, especially the Ford ST.

I'm not boasting when I say that I could have chosen a more expensive car. If it was out earlier I would have deff looked at a M version BMW 1-series cos I had a Beemer and like them.

As documented on TSN, I very seriously looked at swopping my GTI for a Mk5 R32 and even test drove one but prefer the feel of the GTI.

It's horses for courses and down to the individual and, furthermore, it's not always a rational choice. Captain Sensible kept screaming at me to buy the Mk5 Golf TDI instead but I locked him in the garden shed and have no regrets.

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