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Can`t we have a NE Curry n` Beer meet??


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Seen as alot of the meets on here seem to take place later in the day or into the night I wondered if this has been done in the NE before?? Or if indeed anyone would be interested??

Meeting for McMuffins at 10 in the morning is all well and good but for those that live a little further afield its a early drive and usually a hungover one to boot being a Sunday morning..

So let me know what you think or if its been tried before and it crashed and burnt.. Newcastle toon with its selection of fine eateries, boozers and not forgetting the local wildlife would be ideal!


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Sure that diner would be great (never been like) if we were bringing the cars especially as its literally on my doorstep would depend on the North Northerners willingness to come South. Sedgefield would be another option as its just off the A1 for you lot..

I was thinking more along the lines of a few beers though. I know the highest concentration of NE tsn`ers is around Newcastle. Cuzza n some quayside bevvies would go down lovely. We d`ont have to go to any snazzy bars either so dont be put off by the quayside notion. I love the old Bob Trollops myself! 169144-ok.gif

Steve I take it you mean Middlesbrough when you say Joe Rigs and TS1 which would be great but I think there would be just the two of us as the geordies would all have to find somewhere to stay the night. frown.gif

The possibilities are endless for this one so put forward any suggestions and discuss pretty please.. beerchug.gif

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