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Why you should never buy a Ferrari...


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I was at work minding my own business when Mums PA comes up to me and says Ferrari just phoned mum up. For some reason, I dont know how it happened I have to do all my parents car deals so I had the honorable job of phoning them back.

The situation is she has had a deposit down for a F430 Spyder for a little over a year. I 'was told' to phone up last week and find out how much longer she would have to wait until delivery. I was told by a member of staff at Ferrari that they get a new batch of allocations in November but there is a very good chance her car will be delivered first half of next year. This what I was told then.

Anyway so back on to the phone call. When I phone up and say what his colleague told me about the delivery slot he said it simply wasn't true and basically implied he never even said it. This conversation got quite heated on my part because he was basically calling me a liar. In the end I just said forget it. The situation is I want to know when Mrs X will have her car delivered. His Ryal self richeous arse said its simply too hard to tell. Ferrari may choose to reduce production of the 430 so they can cater for the 599. He just doesn't know! Ok so whatever, if that situation is true so be it. Its not my car ive had enough of that conversation...

Next part. Mrs X is interested in a 599 Superamerica whenever they bring it out. He stated there is no car so he cant put her on any list except an informal one. I said fine thats all she needs. She just wants to be able to have one of the first ones when they come through. He said thats simply not possible. IO said why how many other people have put their names on your informal list. He said none!!! He said the first 30 cars through are reserved for customers that buy over £1m worth of cars a year.

At this point I stated this was ridiculous. I said she is far better off going to Hudson's or Romans, paying over the odds, getting the car on time and skipping out on all this bullshit!!!

You dont get this at Lambo, possibly because there are no waiting lists, but probably even if there were; judging how fantastic Bentley have been with us I think they would look after their customers and hold them on a velvet cushion. I think this salesman and this dealerships attitude was disgusting!

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That's disgusting behaviour!

I don't even get treated that badly at my dealership, let alone when you're spending that kind of money!

Wouldn't touch them again, it really winds me up when sales-staff presume because they work in a prestige dealership, it somehow makes them prestigeous also...

...I get that in Harrods all the time, You're an employee! Not bloody Al Fayed!!! Where's your Ferrari punk???

Unacceptable. openfire.gif

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