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engine misfire


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hi all

gt a 96 4.2

last night car started to misfire .

was parked up waiting fo a friend with engine running.

al of a sudden car started to shake . cat light started to flash. gave the engine a rev and got some misfireing.

today pluged in vag com .

came up with cylinder 4 misfire.

removed n.o 4 coil and plug .plug was soaked in fuel.

decided to swap n.o 4 coil and plug with n.o 1 coil and plug.

started car and same thing was happening ,misfire on n.o 4 cylinder. removed other coil plugs one at a time and found engine rpm would drop but nothing on n.o 4 cylinder .

decided to do a compresion test on cylinder n.o 4 . got arround 150 psi .cant be a burnt valve .

next checked coil plug for power . 3 wires in plug . got a positive and negative but in the third wire nothing

not sure wat to do

please help



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  • 4 weeks later...

What was the outcome to this? - I have *exactly* the same problem on my 1998 S8... In my case its cylinder 2 misfiring, then cylinders 4 and 7 go out.... Switch off for 15 mins, switch on and its ok for another 400 miles or so and it does it again.... Very strange....


Control Module Part Number: 4D0 907 557 N

Component and/or Version: 4.2L V8/4V MOTR AT D01

Software Coding: 04373

Work Shop Code: WSC 02314

6 Faults Found:

16705 - Engine Speed Sensor (G28): Implausible Signal

P0321 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

17610 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 2 (N31): Electrical Malfunction

P1202 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

16684 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0300 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

16686 - Cylinder 2: Misfire Detected

P0302 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

16688 - Cylinder 4: Misfire Detected

P0304 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

16691 - Cylinder 7: Misfire Detected

P0307 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

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