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What do dealers use to wash our cars?


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I took my car in for a service yesterday and they cleaned it inside and out. I'm a little annoyed with myself though. I should have told them not to go near it, but for some reason I didn't. To add insult to injury, I had only just spent the best part of 5 hours cleaning it the day before, so it didn't actually need cleaning.

Anyway, I'd washed it, applied Autoglym Super Resin Polish, Extra Gloss Protection and a coat of Collinite Marque D'Elegance (No. 915), do you think this has been removed by the dealer? Do I need to do it over?

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its unlikely it will have been removed. Most audi dealers that i know use the same AG trade products as myself and the tfr they use is wax safe (like myself) so you should be fine

I ask them never to clean mine just because it currently has no swirls thanks to carefull cleaning by the first owner and myself and i want to keep it that way!!

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I'm kicking myself for not telling them to leave it. slap.gif I always told myself I would ask them not to wash it when it eventually went in for it's 1st service.

I've been careful with washing since I first got it. It doesn't appear to have any damage, but it's difficult to tell as it's still wet after rain overnight. I'll be gutted if it does have any swirls. smashfreakB.gif

I have to admit, the whole experience of leaving my car with the dealer was one of the most stressful days of my life! I was really expecting to come back to it with a dent or scratch. It shouldn't be like that. I should have total confidence in a dealer to look after my car! znaika.gif

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I've seen my dealer attack the cars with sponges after they've sprayed the entire car with some shocking stuff that strips all the wax off. SAUER0421.GIFmad.gif

I NEVER let them wash the TT - I stick big notices all over the inside, get them to write it on the sheet, and tell them when I book it in. They laugh. grin.gif

Hopefully you should be OK with only one wash, mine had been washed obviously when I first got it from new and its survived. Just don't let them near it again!

In fact, I never let the dealer near it apart from the free servicing! yelrotflmao.gifsportifs2.gif

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I always wash and polish my car before it goes to the dealer, it sets the tone. I then tell them to sign it in as unblemished (and have sent dealers out in the rain to check it over), after which they get the clear message that it better be handed back in the same immaculate condition.

And I would normally tell them not to wash it. Our first Land Rover had months of wax-work removed and the paint-work swirled, I was so annoyed I later once washed our second LR at 6.00am so that it was gleaming when it arrived at the stealers for its first service - sad, but true! 169144-ok.gif

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Any dealership in the David Pugh Jones group - that'll possibly include Cardiff Audi may have the same set up as Cardiff Volkswagen have...

A bloody great big coach wash machine around the back - looks like a normal car wash machine on 'roids!!

Even though I'm not fanatical about cleaning the Passat I do ask them to leave it alone - only once they ignored my asking, and I exploded as I'd got the Passat lovely and dirty from 3000 miles around France.

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