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Climate control clicking


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I read somewhere that this can be temporarily cured with VAG com. I tested all the HVAC elements, and it stopped doing it for one run. Is that as good as it gets, or is there some way of recalibrating the offending flap(s)? Thanks!

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I think you will find that this is as good as it gets without replacing the flap-valve/motor assembly. I guess you have a facelift car - the problem seems to be a result of Audi increasing the motor voltage by 1.6 volts on facelift models. This increased the power of the motor thus applying more force on the gearing which, when worn clicks as it jumps teeth. You may have noticed that you get 16 clicks every 7 minutes as the system aims to keep the valve securely closed. Mine was temperature related - it didnt happen when the outside air was below 15 deg C - presumably because the flap valve concerned was not at the stop end. Audi know about the problem; it is covered in Technical solutions Section 11246 part 8720 "control Motor".

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have the same clicking problem. I phoned Audi and gave them the ref you cite but customer care says the ref does not relate to their files. I was directed to erWIN which is of no use unless you commit to pay. Q - Did you replace the stepper motor, or whatever, and can you provide any more information, please?

Many thanks


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My information came from the AudiWorld Forums - this is the url http://forums.audiworld.com/a8/msgs/75766.phtml .I understand the detailed procudure is in the Repair Manual: Air Conditioning, Chapter 5 - "Removing and installing centre vent control motors (-V102, -V110, -V111). I decided to live with my problem because it only occured in warmer weather (above oat 15 dec C). Sorry I can't help you any further.

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The Air-con/climate and ventalation system on all A8 models to date is designed and made by teh Japanese company Denso - they have a large quality control and engineering centre in Telford where a close friend of mine works - in quality control.

I have the same clicking on my 2000 model - I gave him a demonstration - no idea what it was.

What I do know is that the A8 system in this model has something like 127 individual increments on each flap in the ducts and Denso were getting complaints from dealers who's VAG system was telling them they were wrongly calibrated following the disconection of the battery - but the VAG was wrong because it was nto taking account of the fact that when you reconnect the battery the system is programmed to completely open and shut all flaps to asses any minor wear and then reset the flap closure to take account of any wear, thereby ensuring they remain air tight when closed - Thus an older car with some wear will recalibrate itself and the VAG will be saying the flaps are in the wrong place, but they're not.

So, cutting through my waffle, maybe worth trying disconnecting and reconnecting the battery? you never know - (I haven't tried this on mine yet though)


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