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Finally. Project Gotham already has all of those features, GT is playing catch up. What absolutely needs attention with this franchise is the shockingly basic AI that hasn't changed in any meaningful manner since GT2. That and the developer needs to for once understand that 90% of players will be using a controller, not a race seat with fixed pedals. They need to drop the whole license test thing too. For a games 5th generation it is ridiculous to think that veteran players should have to go through the same driving school section that they have four times already. Firing up PGR3 and jumping straight into racing was such a refreshing change, and racing a supercharged Atom too, not the MX-5 that is GT's default choice.

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Firing up PGR3 and jumping straight into racing was such a refreshing change, and racing a supercharged Atom too, not the MX-5 that is GT's default choice.

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You should be comparing Forza2 and GT, not PGR3, which is an arcade game.

Id disagree you should jump straight into the higher powered cars. If you have the best cars at the beginning, you have nothing to aim for, and especially online you'll find EVERY drive goes for the fast cars. Whats the point in realistically modelling 300+ cars, only to find everyone spends 90% of their time in a modified Ferrari F50?

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Firing up PGR3 and jumping straight into racing was such a refreshing change, and racing a supercharged Atom too, not the MX-5 that is GT's default choice.

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You should be comparing Forza2 and GT, not PGR3, which is an arcade game.

Id disagree you should jump straight into the higher powered cars. If you have the best cars at the beginning, you have nothing to aim for, and especially online you'll find EVERY drive goes for the fast cars. Whats the point in realistically modelling 300+ cars, only to find everyone spends 90% of their time in a modified Ferrari F50?

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Good point mate smile.gif

I love the way you have to spend weeks getting to the very best cars, altho I must admit the license tests can be annoying...

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I think a little injection of the arcade mentality would do GT the world of good. I haven't bought in to the whole 'Real Driving Simulator' thing for years. Real driving is rubbish 90% of the time. We only do it because the trains are so useless. Games need to be fun, they serve as escapism in the same way that reading an article in EVO is. Why would I buy a game to drive a Focus around some cones in a car park? I wouldn't. But to drive a Focus WRC around a rally stage? That's something unavailable to me, and the basis of the games appeal. I just think GT takes itself far too seriously. There is a balance to be struck, and you can have a realistic game while still being a great fun game. GT misses that balance in my opinion.

And as for car balance, PGR has a progression from lower cars to higher, it just does it in a more focused range than GT. The cheapest car on PGR3 is the Corvette C6, the most expensive is the Ferrari F50 GT. While GT always boasts a car list in the hundreds, many have no place in a racing game and even more are multiples of the same model (Skylines and Lancers being repeat offenders).

[Edit: You are right about Forza being GT's natural rival. The point I was making citing PGR is that GT had become a turnoff for me after the first three and PGR was something fresher. I hope they take time to really innovate with GT5, might draw me back to the series.]

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Yamauchi said the PS3 is powerful enough to handle in-game car damage , but implementing it realistically would require "double the work" in physics and artistic modeling. So will it make it into the game? As the Magic 8-Ball might say, signs point to no.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woooohoooooo finally something to look forward to....


Been a long time coming though....

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99 New GT5 Screenshots:


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Riz ECLIPSe.gif

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EEK2.GIF That is hellishly impressive... visually.

Problem is, I never had a quibble with GT's looks. Question is, have they spent all their time on (genuinely) photorealistic graphics? Frankly, I'll wait for a demo. If they haven't improved the AI and got more than six cars on track then they can forget it.

Nice to see Ferrari in it years after every other racer got the license. Seems like my boycott of GT4 has yielded the result I was after. 169144-ok.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...


am i seeing things or amidst the R8's, GTR's, ferraris, tvr's is there a peugot 407?

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Well, it says there will be like 700 cars, and there simply ins't enough exotica around to make that figure, so theres bound to be some "Normal" cars in there.

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