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Temp Sensor


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VW Golf TDi (SE) 90bhp, S Reg(99)

A little confused not too clued up on cars, I was recommended a Temp Sensor, for a problem I had and with the relatively cheap cost, I thought I would give it a go.

Only problem is unless I am looking in the totally wrong spot, my temp sensor looks like it’s a two pin and the one that I was given is a four pin.

I followed the pipe from the coolant bottle to the sensor in question and when I removed the sensor in the car, the pipe did release water.

Is it just a case of me having to go to VW and buy a 2 pin as no stores seems to have a 2 pin just 4 pin sensor or am I trying to fit the part in the wrong place?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi Shanks, if symptoms are similar to i had ie; stuttering/juddering or complete engine cut off about 5 mins into ur journey (from cold) then yeah try replacing temp sender however im sure there is 2 temp sender units on ur model; 1 for ecu (engine management) and other for ur water temp gauge on dash, earlier petrol models like mine (1998-2002) had just the 1 sender unit that did both above jobs, its the ecu unit u need to replace,easy as hell to fit and £25 to buy.....did the trick with me!!. try searching this site for good links cos there are some pics available to assist spotting which unit u need and where its located (mine on right side of engine block when facing front of car, attached to 2 water pipes).good luck

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